24 January 2011


Good evening!

Just created this blog but couldn't help myself from posting more!

I check Ena Matsumoto's (Emoda producer) ameba religiously every day, actually more than once a day, since she posts quite a few times during the day. So I keep up to date to all the news concerning Emoda and stuff, I absolutely love Ena. She's amazing, a truly inspiration to me. Her style is just fabulous in every single way. Of course many things only work on her and I wouldn't dare to try it myself (eg. orange hair... i wish it would look fab on me, but, I know it wouldn't work...), but usually I try to follow her fashion sense. Sure, many things she "copies" from Chanel and other famous brands, but combined with everything else she creates her own style. The thing that amazes me about Ena is that she is truly a fashion leader, along side with Momoko (Murua's producer), she decides what Mode style should be, she plays with it and creates it her own way. She is leading all the gals into what she decides Mode style should be. And she managed to come to this point all the way from nothing! She's like a role model, seriously. Creating her own brand, her own take on what Mode should be.

I always remember very clearly what she said in an interview for JJ. The question was something like, what made Emoda so popular, and Ena replied very honestly in her strong Kansai accent "Because I made everyone like Ena. I made Ena show up everywhere, magazines, events, CM, and made everyone like Ena". Yes, I should guess that no one would come to be in such a position without loving herself A LOT! But! This is what I mean, if you don't believe in yourself and love yourself, no one will. And she is the perfect example of that. She's very confident in herself, but also very honest, so how can you hate her? hahaha

Seeing her evolution of course there's some phases that I didn't like so much, like when she had a blond bob and a tan, totally didn't suit her, but I think she keeps progressing in her style. Love seeing her evolution!

Anywayyyy, she is gorgeous!! I love love love her! And can only dream of one day meeting her in person to confirm how beautiful and flawless she is (and beg her to let me be her slave! haha).

Oh, and if anyone is wondering about what MODE gyaru is, then Mitsu wrote a nice blog entry about it here (sorry, I'm too lazy to make a direct link, I will just do copy/paste):


That's all for today. Just a little introduction to my muse.

See you!


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