03 February 2011


Ok, so I said I was going to blog again tonight, and u know what? It was almost impossible.
While I was taking bath my honey texted me about going to this Japanese music party for free, he had managed to put us on the guest list. I didn't really want to go, as I was so relaxed in the bath and ready to go to bed afterwards, but... But! I know he wanted to go and I was a bit curious to see what kind of place was it, so I ended up getting dressed and make up to go.

Being a japanese vintage music DJ myself, I am a bit conceited, which is horrible, I know, but I can't help it. I am a japanese music otaku, so most times I think i know better... Noooooo, everyone who reads this is going to hate me... Well, as soon as I walked in the bar I immediately felt uncomfortable, heavy rock music playing, horrible and smelly people dancing, what a scene. On another room there was a karaoke box, the music was standable in there, but it was f*cking hot in there! So there wasn't much to choose from.

We managed to stand it for 2 hours and came back home. As a free party, it was interesting, but wouldn't do it again. As a £7 entrance fee party, I would be highly disappointed and would think about asking my money back. I was quite surprised buy the number of weird japanese people in there though, I thought the majority would be gaijin, to be honest.

Moving on... I want to post some recent coordinates, I always seem to forget to take pictures before going to work, so I don't have many outfits to share.

This one's from Monday.
Everything from Topshop.

This is what I wore today.

Beanie ... Emoda
Cardigan ... H&M
OP ... Topshop
Leggings ... Topshop
Trainers ... Topshop

Coat ... Topshop

And a close up from Monday cuz you couldn't see the turban in the other one.

Heavy camwhore post today! I'm so so sorry, ahahaha

On other news, I managed to gain 1kg in a week! Yay!! I hope I can keep this. I am being a good girl and having 5 meals a day, full of friendly calories, hehe.

Ok ok, until the next post, I have to work whole day tomorrow -_-;
See youuuuu~~


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