60's wool dress - Vacation Vintage
vintage mink coat - Ebay
vintage Ferragamo - Sunnywood Vintage
cloche - some shop in Camden Town
bag - can't remember
London is definitely getting cold. Goodbye Autumn, you were quite beautiful this year. Hello Winter, I didn't really miss you. I am off at home today with a cold and in bed. I have a double chocolate muffin, a mug of hot milk and a pack of Lemsip by my side and I figured, "what a better day to start blogging?". It is raining outside, I'm burning my Blackberry Frost candle and watching Sex and the City season 6. I like to make my sick days moody enough. I've also updated the blog's banner. I know, how cliche, Audrey
Hepburn. But I saw something similar online, thought it was really
cute and decided to try making my own. I didn't know which image to
put besides Audrey, she was the prettiest, so I kept the same idea. I quite like it, but I think I will grow tired of it. Maybe its too cute.
The photos above were taken by a couple of friends visiting London last month, on a day we strolled around Bricklane. I thank them, recently I do not have any pictures of myself, I just always seem to forget about registering my outfits! Hopefully, now that I am back blogging and all, this will change. I was going for a 60's look that ended up looking quite 20s as well, that was fun.
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